Friday 13 April 2012

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Thursday 12 April 2012

The study of miracles have been carried out by (Fadzullah admin, 1987), which apart from the debate about the creation of the universe according to the Qur'an, the role of science aware God, how faith can reinforce science and science can actually develop the Muslim community. In the quest, for knowledge should be kept to ethics in particular avoid properties, which denounced by Islamic law debate to become famous and mired in the khilafiah in priority (Fadzullah admin, 1987a).

According to (Arif Kasmo, 2007) the verse or verses that produced only five to 31 verses without any impact on the study of physical science, especially in the production of the order of the wave and the graphics on the false revelations. While the word of God is he, not only produce an image of the waveform and unique, but each sequence and the number of letters, verse and chapter numbers and the signs and the numbers are even and odd in the Quran, responded by producing clear impact on the study of physical science.

There are studies that produce a wide range of knowledge and science of astronomy, or astronomy associate of the sun over the chapter focuses on Yaasin verses 38-40, the study of life sciences refers to Surah al-Anbiya verse 30, and the development of the land of the Surah an- Naziat verses 30-32 and the study of plant science through Surah al-An'am verse 99 that focuses on the chemical properties of milk Surah an-Nahl verse 66 (Abd.  Razak Aris, 1987, the case.  35-37).

Debate on the creation of the universe containing galaxies, the processes associated with stars, mysterious black holes, gravitational forces, a general view of the Quran about the explosion of the universe has been done by (Ali Abdul Hamid, 2004). He also linked the creation of the planets, the creation of man and privileges of the Quran that can open up or penetrate the veil of nature malakut.

He also cited that al-Sheikh Mutawalli has said in his book Miracles of the Qur'an Fi (page 123) is that the verses of Allah on the incident is not defined at the time of Muhammad until the perfect and cannot be followed by the Muslims after him because the Qur'an to the renewal of each generation. There are challenges in the form of knowledge that the future has opened the veil away to expose the next generation. If the Quran was revealed at the time when the future of news is taken in detail, it will be opening of the day many people believe. This is because the ability to overcome their common sense at the time (Ali Abdul Hamid, 2004a).

According to him, because the mind is the cause taklif, monitoring and control purposes is that the mind is sane and able to perform his duty to think, consider, evaluate, select, and other specialized functions for him. With all the things that can destroy or prevent the mind from carrying out its functions properly forbidden by Islam, such as drinking the liquor, eating dirty things and the main functions of human better than other creatures, then the Muslims are very concerned that controlled from the things that can ruin it. Monitoring and control purposes are always rational and that reason unable to perform his duty to think, consider, evaluate, select, and other specialized functions for him. With all the things that can destroy or prevent the mind from prevent the mind from carrying out its functions properly forbidden by Islam, such as drinking the intoxicating (Surah al-Maidah (5); 90), to eat things that are dirty (see Sura al-Nahl (16); 115, and surah al-A'raf (7): 157) makes it unreal and cannot make rational decisions, reading material that can lead to lust and out of control.

Studies on the secrets of nature or scientific research referred tabi'e and science of astronomy at the time of the Prophet Muhammad and is very active, but became less evident after the fall of the Islamic empire. Information about the secret of human nature has not been extensively known. The information about the creation of man, plants, sky, space and others have not well by the studied by people at that time (Faddly Mohammed Ismail, 2011, the case. 44-45).

In the study of the Quran is the miracle of the study by (Fadhil Mahmod, 1999) is the study of verse 36 Surah Yasin. He described the creation of the various creatures in the universe, whether that is hidden or obvious. The creation of this creature is a sign of glory and only discovered by those wise in the management of his mind. Based on the shari'a and the law stipulated he also explores Yasin verse 36 verse followed by munasibat, more focused on teaching or conclusions, as well as the wisdom of the use of the word 'Subhana' at the beginning of sentences. Discussions also centered on the signs of Allah on the creation of humans, plants, and the universe. Also of pairs created beings who want to be concluded about all this is to strengthen the faith of Muslims.

 Objectives of the study
this study conducted to: 

1. Review the scientific revelations in connection with miraculous nature of Quran, which focuses on the views of the archipelago after the 1950 scholars.
2. Observation or scrutiny of the Quran that is the greatest miracle.
3. Research related signs of at-Thaariq, as-saqfun, al-mathor, ar-riyaah, An-Nur, and the creation of man.

Since the time of the prophet is sent in accordance with their capabilities, such as when the Prophet Idris, the human condition compared with childhood, Dawud human adolescence. In those days, Dauvid a.s. awarded to soften the metal sign with his hands only. Similarly, the time of Solomon a.s. in which he can fly to any of the wind. Moses a.s. can turn on people who have died of old and new.  While the Prophet's time is the maturity of adulthood who have the highest intellect.  At this time, the human race to hold arguments and evidence. So to attract or weaken the enemy is Allah SWT bring things that people cannot be rejected based on the argument (Syalabi Ismail Saad, 1993).

To master the knowledge and technology, it requires a mastery of mathematics. It is also congruent with what is referred to as the queen of mathematics knowledge.  National curriculum mathematics effectively planned and organized in order to improve student achievement, experience, and expertise in understanding the concept. Mathematical skills such as counting, measuring, using money, and other related disciplines. Mathematics also has the knowledge, particularly in the qualitative, such as logic, making hypotheses, identifying variables and science process skills. In Malaysia, the primary school curriculum provides exposure to familiarize students with the mathematical component consist of qualitative and quantitative terms. It is also consistent with what should be the report of mathematics performance driver Committee (1991):

1.1 Introduction

Al-Quran is the greatest miracle.  In terms of language is the miracle is extraordinary work of other people did not want to make (Mahmud yunus, 1991).  This miracle is Arabic word which means not able to surpass.  This miracle to bring missionary challenge to the target groups to match the strength shown by an unusual thing.


          "We'll show them the evidence of the truth we are on the horizons (corner), and in their own, making it clear to them that the Quran is true."


The study was conducted to investigate the development of scientific revelations that
at-thaariq choice, al-mathor, as-saqfun, a-riyaah, and light.  It is a miracle parallel with
 the Quran that the growth of science that focuses on the creation of the heavens,
at-thaariq, and rain, the creation of man, the wind, and the light. The results of research
on the development of some scientific terms, we find differences in the approaches
 used, but must follow the rules of translation certified by the methods used by experts
 or companions of Muhammad Prophets, nature, and Scholars awwalin order aberrations
did not occur.